Tuesday, October 4, 2011

I've Been Re-Named

I waited a long time to hear my son call me "Mommy". I kept chanting "Ma-ma-ma-ma-ma" at him when he was a baby, hoping he would say it, on purpose, to me. Didn't matter - his first word was, of all things, "ball". Go figure. But he did eventually start calling me "Mommy". Incessantly. You know, like that now famous clip of Stewie from Family Guy. And I loved it. I was MOMMY!

As many of you may know, Connor turned 7 in September. He started 2nd Grade this year. And he started calling me "Mom". Not all the time, but there it is. I am loosing the all-powerful, omniscient persona of "Mommy", and becoming the more flawed "Mom" (and, let's face it, ladies... "Mom" is just plain stupider than "Mommy" ever was). And my firstborn, my baby boy, is growing up. /sigh