Tuesday, March 16, 2010

It Starts...

So, I blogged a while ago about my struggles with my weight, and my internal efforts to fix ma-self. Along with some external things to help. Well, here's an update.

The short of it? I've lost 17 pounds in the past 2 months! Woot! I have pants that aren't fitting anymore (even though I wear them anyway, 'cause it makes me grin when I have to pull them up. So what if I have droopy drawers for a while?). And, more importantly, I have pants that are fitting again! I've lost an overall 5+ inches. I just wish that more of the 5 had been in my boobs, but oh, well... I guess that will follow. Or, at least, I hope it will. As a typical example of "the grass is always greener", I wish my boobs were smaller. My husband does not share my opinion, shockingly enough.

Anyway... all this is because of an amazing woman I met in December, at a random direct marketing event. You know the type - a home party thingy, but this one had 5 or 6 distributors. (My favorite was the chocolate lady!) So, this lady is a nutritionist and personal trainer, and she came up with an amazing program that doesn't just focus on one or 2 aspects of health, but ALL of them. I'd tell you more, but the program is in it's pilot state, and I promised I wouldn't let the cat out of the bag. What I will tell you is that this is like nothing I have ever done. I have an understanding of myself and my body and it's needs that I've never had before. For the first time in my recent memory... I know to the core of my being that this is no longer a big deal, and I can do this.

So, by this summer, I should be able to go to the pool with my kiddo without feeling so self-conscious! Yay! Stay tuned... I might even give you my weight one of these days. Well, ok... maybe not. :) But I will eventually give you pictures, and you can feel free to guess at it. ;)

1 comment:

  1. Good for you! I noticed at Tim's baptism, but I hadn't read this yet, so I didn't know you were open to congratulatory remarks. :)

