You know, there are so many people in this country that are having a hard time of it these days. Every time I venture out, I see a new sign somewhere... "For Lease", "For Sale", "Going out of Business"... It's pretty sad, actually. A lot of my students have been laid off in the past year or so. In times like this, it's so hard to remember the good, happy stuff. And there is plenty of good, happy stuff, or "candy canes and puppy dogs", as my wonderful husband likes to say. We have so many blessings in our lives, and yet, they can be so easily taken for granted or overlooked.
Remember the movie "Pretty Woman"? Great movie. There was a line Julia Roberts delivered to Richard Gere when he asked her why she didn't think she was all that. She said something like, "Didn't you ever notice? The bad stuff is easier to believe." It's so unfortunately true. Why is that? Meh... I don't know. But I thought I'd take a minute to count the blessings in my life, because I'm not sure I've done enough of it, lately.
Starting a list is always hard. When I used to ask my brother silly questions when I was a kid ("What did I do??") he would answer, "Would you like the list alphabetically or in order of importance?" I have the time nor the energy to categorize, so I'll go in no particular order. So there. :-)
My family. Wow... I don't know what I would do with out them. I have the most wonderful family on the planet, and when I say that, I am absolutely including the immediate, extended and in-law parts of it. I mean, we have our issues, of course, but who doesn't? But, for the most part, I could call any of my family members if I was in a jam, and they would do their best to help me out if they could. I have 3 Aunts on my Dad's side - I call them the 3 Musketeers - that would walk through Hell to help out their family. They rock! And the rest of my Aunts and Uncles are no different. One set of Aunt and Uncle (my Mom's brother and his wife) let me live with them for a while when I needed a roof over my head. And all my life I wanted a sister - not a stinky, cootie-filled brother. And I finally got one when I met my husband. And let's not even
talk about how awesome my Mom is. Without her, I'd surely be way in the ditch. Love you, Mom! So, yeah... my family is an amazing blessing.
My husband. I put him separately from my family because I think he deserves his own category. In my opinion, I have the most wonderful man in the world. I know, I know - I'm
supposed to think that! But, it's so true. He works his tail off everyday to make mine and Connor's life better. He treats me like a queen, even when I don't necessarily deserve it (yes, I get cranky, too). He would go to the ends of the earth and back for us, and for him, I thank God every day.
My son. Children are such a miracle. When I think about the actual scientific process of conceiving and carrying a healthy baby to term, the odds are nuts. Chances are, you won't. And, yet we, women, do - all the time. Even though I want to kill him sometimes, every night when I sneak into his room to give him one last kiss and tuck the covers around him... I am amazed and thankful for my own, personal little blessing.
My Martial Arts. It's been almost 20 years now, that I went out to swing some sticks around in a crazy-lookin' guys backyard. Turns out he wasn't so crazy. And he started the ball rolling. The fulfilment I've been able to gain from my training is indescribable. Martial Arts feeds your body, mind and spirit. Whenever I need to let it all out, I work out, and come out feeling better. It's... cathartic, really, in a lot of ways. And if I didn't have such a great outlet, life's frustrations would have had me years ago. Another amazing blessing.
My students. I have learned so much over the years from my students. I've taught thousands, at this point... The youngest official student (not counting Connor!) was 3. The oldest? 72. Most, though, range from 4 - 40something. Kids, families, adults... I've had 'em all. And every one of them has given me something. Joy, satisfaction, excitement... And I've loved every minute of it. There aren't many things as satisfying in my life as helping people turn into better people, into what they want to be... into Black Belts. Thank God, again, for all those blessings.
There's more, of course. My house, my car, food on my table every day, the things I have that some people don't. But I think I mentioned the biggies. And, man... I really am blessed. And, now, you think about it. Because so are you.
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