Thursday, July 9, 2009


It never ceases to amaze me how real, true, good friends will come to the rescue. I'm not talking about the friends you just have coffee or go to a movie with, necessarily, but the ones that maybe you don't see for a while - years, even - and when you get together again, it's like time never even passed.

I have a few like that. A few that, if I needed it, they would go to the ends of the Earth for me and my family. And vice versa. Friends I never thought I would find, or find again. One, I've known since we were kids. I mean, like babies. Our Moms were friends. Her Mom ran our Brownie Troop, eventually. But I'll never call her an "old" friend. ;-) There have been stretches of years that we haven't spoken. But we somehow wound up living an hour from one another, and anytime I need her, all I would have to do is call. And I hope she understands the reverse is totally true.

One, I met in High School. It's weird, because although we just reconnected a little better than a year ago, and I've only seen her while on vacation once in that time, I really do put her on this list. We were good friends in high school, played sports together, had classes together, ate lunch together, hung out... she tried to kill me with a fire extinguisher, even. True friendship, that! The weird thing is that I think we can all just sense the "right" friends when we come upon them. It had literally been over a decade (good God) since we last saw each other, and yet I know if I needed her, she'd be there for me. And again, I hope she understands I would be there for her, too.

The other two, aside from my husband, came to me through my martial arts. One, I never in a million years thought we would become as fast of friends as we have. Even though we don't live near each other, anymore, we try not to let too long go by without writing or talking. I miss her lots, and she makes me wish I could bring all my people together in one place. Another rock in my life. She even came up for a whole week to give me moral support when my son was born, even though she didn't have any more of a clue what to do with a newborn than I did! Another sign of true friendship.

The other, and last on the short list, was the weirdest of meetings, I think. The first chick, our Moms facilitated. The second... well, high school is a natural place to connect. The third... she and I trained together. This one, though, came out of nowhere - almost literally. Came in to take a class one day, and I saw a hole in her pants in an... uncomfortable... spot. So, I told her, she safety pinned it, and the rest is history. She and I have been through the proverbial wringer, and I know from experience she would sacrifice for herself to give to me. And, most happily, vice versa. My friends are the bomb.

What's that saying, again? "Friends come into your life for a reason, a season or a lifetime"? Sorry if I mangled it. I am grateful for them all, even the ones that I carry a trace of sadness about because I thought they were here for a lifetime - was sure of it, in fact - and they turned out to be here only for a reason or a season. But those lifers... I don't know what I would do without them. I love them from the bottom of my heart.

Here's to the rest of our lives, and the friends that come along for the ride. Thanks, guys.

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